We live in a technologically accelerating world defined by hyper-connectedness, globalization and instant access to products, services, and information.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past years, you have probably encountered a lot of blockchain related hype and listened to a seemingly endless
What is Cryptocurrency & Why the Term Doesn't Apply to Most Coins & Tokens Today – Blockchain Review
What is cryptocurrency? Why is the term so inaccurate? Today, across the crypto industry, from experienced institutional investors and fund managers to
Welcome to the first installment in the How does blockchain technology work series! Update: July 22, 2017: I want to thank the 175,000+ people that have
Understanding the mechanics or technical attributes of a blockchain can be challenging – especially if you don’t come from a technical background.
Still confused about Ethereum? This easy to follow guide is designed to help people without an advanced degree in computer geekery understand the Ethereum
As an important step in becoming a doctor, graduating medical school students swear to some form of the Hippocratic Oath. One of the vows within that oath
The crypto-anarchist narrative and vision behind blockchain technology hold that blockchains are powerful tools with which to decentralise many of society’s
A technologically accelerating and globalizing world means governments in both developed and developing countries must tackle increasingly complex issues
Much like the traditional stock market, the crypto asset market overflows with people who invest their own and others money in a state of mind-boggling ignorance.